University of Sioux Falls

USF SculptureWalk
2018 Sculptures



by Dave Skora

Look for upcoming voting for the People's Choice Award.

  Download 2018 Brochure/Map



by Lawrence Starck

Serengeti is a bit of a departure from my usual studies. A beautifully balanced, striking bust of a zebra, the lines are clean and sharp. Using a rich patina, I capture the distinctive markings of the animal, its bristling mane and cocked, ever-attentive ears, precisely and accurately.



by Patricia Vader

The simply styled head of a feline - big whiskers fanning out, red mouth below abstract eyes and nose made of bicycle parts - sits atop an aluminum post. A vibrant purple slender tail winds around the pole and above the face corkscrew-wise. With Corkscrew, I am thinking of the pleasures of life - like fine wine.

Wild Thing

Wild Thing

by Heidi Hoy

"Wild Thing" is an impressionistic sculpture. It was my intent to capture the moment, the illusive impression burned into our memories when we see the wild beauty of a magnificent animal in motion.

It Starts With 3

It Starts With 3

by Tom Ford

Primary colors are the beginning of all the colors we see around us, blending and mixing to bring to life so many glorious opportunities.

Sitting Panther

Sitting Panther

by Eric Thorsen

"Sitting Panther" represents muscular power at rest.

"Otter Woman"

"Otter Woman"

by Jerry McKellar

The sculpture "Otter Woman" is my interpretation of a Native American legend and depicts a Native American maiden swimming with two otters.



by Dave Skora

"Bent" is a welded fabricated metal sculpture of abstracted forms created in the modernist tradition. I have appropriated previously used metal polls and attempted to create a sense of energy and movement within the composition.

Strings of Happiness

Strings of Happiness

by Osamede Obazee

Music is the spirit of life, natural or man-made. It invokes the power in you, giving you hope and strength to move on.



by Anthony Guntren

By combining imagination as well as inspiration from forms found in the natural world, my intention is to evoke contemplation on the unseen forces found in the space inside and between living entities, and in the objects and landscapes that surround them.

Fitzroy's Guitar

Fitzroy's Guitar

by Alex Mendez

Just as a few notes can make a simple melody, simple forms come together to make an instrument.

Twisted Melody

Twisted Melody

by Alex Mendez

This guitar looks better than it sounds.

Contact USF Assistant Art Professor Ceca Cooper with inquiries about purchasing a SculptureWalk piece.